Too often developers prototype games using tools like, 3dsMax and Unity Engine. So many times I have watched developers waste over a hundred thousand dollars on a shamefully boring prototype with no future. If you are prototyping games in Unity with C# and PlayMaker, you are a complete fool The ultimate tool for game development is Blender, and this is not well understood by game developers. The confusion partly stems from the BGE (blender game engine) and it being featured as a solution for game-dev. The BGE is not a solution for anything, its just a distraction that needs to be removed from Blender. The videos above do not use BGE, instead they run in the regular Blender view, with the game play logic abstracted away from Blender's internals.
Above Unblender running on Fedora and Gnome desktop. This is just a prototype of GTK3 integration and requires Xorg (Xembed is broken on Wayland), next step is to remove Ghost and the Xembed hack, which will allow this to run on all platforms. In this example GTK is used to add buttons to the window header and options to the main application menu, normally this is just wasted space in Blender because Ghosts lack of support for these native APIs. github commit